I've helped my woman take out the bushes by the front porch and cut pieces off the other bushes. I thought digging the stumps of the bushes out of the ground was fun except my woman said I couldn't rip the stringy roots out with my teeth because they were "row-doe-den-druns" and are bad for dogs to chew on. I only got sidetracked a couple of times in my digging. It's not my fault I decided to dig up the sprinkler piping. My people said I could dig it up later when they are ready to finish taking out the broken underground sprinkler system. I have found 2 or 3 snakes in my front yard. The tiny one is very interesting to da puppy-butt and I sometimes have to be told to quit pacing in front of tiny snake's home. My woman says if I make it mad it will bite my tongue or toenail! We have a lot of ouchy bugs this year but they haven't stung me yet. My people say they are wasps and hornets. They are going to take care of the wasps but don't know where the hornets are. Sometimes when I'm eating, the hornets come and try to land on my food so my people have to keep them shooed away so I can gnaw and chew in peace! Comments are closed.
May 2022
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