Hi every body! We had really bad wildfire smoke, and weird red skies, last month. My people made me stay inside with all the air purifiers running on high and the HVAC fan turned on to pull air through the filter. I did not like only being able to go outside for walks and potty breaks. My people also called my rehab vet and told them the air was too bad for me to go to my September appointment. The air was getting better by then but they were still worried. Everyone said they made the right choice because the next day they had to use my rescue inhaler. I had my October rehab vet appointment last week and she said I should try a supplement to help me with my age-related muscle loss. They haven't been able to get the stronger stuff in that is only available to vets but said there is one that other places sell that isn't as strong. My woman ordered it and I started it on Tuesday. It tastes really good and I don't have to have it put into anything like every other supplement I am on. The leaves are falling out of the trees which means it's time to rake leaves!!!!! I like raking leaves. It also means I get to take leaves to a place and leave them there soon. I like doing that too because I get to ride in the truck. It's been cold the past few mornings. We've even had frost. Today we aren't supposed to get out of the 40s! I like this kind of weather. So, I'm now like a felon or something. At least that's what my people and my human friends say. Last weekend, I found a ball laying in the street and took it. Some woman accused my people of coming on to her property and stealing on some website called NextDoor. She even posted a picture of my people from a security camera and told people to be on the look out for me and my people. She called the police, filed a police report, posted the police report number on the website, wouldn't respond to my woman when she asked what this was about, wouldn't remove her post when the police told her she had to, and wanted my woman arrested. Because I found a ball in the street. It took forever for my people to be able to figure out who to contact. A police officer came out, apologized to us, collected the ball I found, said he'd tell her again to remove her post and said if we have any more problems with the woman to let them know and they would get the city attorney involved to help us. People who saw the post accusing us of stealing from private property now know what happened and aren't happy with what this woman did, especially when they found out we have a record of finding things like bicycles, gold jewelry, and stolen mail and contacting the police so they can take the items. And my man and I caught mail thieves while they were stealing mail and got them convicted. From what my man can see about the woman who did this, she likes to call the police because people walk by her house on the public sidewalk, smoke on the public sidewalk, and because she doesn't think the police drive by her house enough. I love my new Big Barker bed. My people realized I don't need 2 of them but they got extra waterproof mattress covers and extra bed covers. They also realized the covers would fit the bed this one replaced so they got a waterproof mattress cover and a couple extra bed covers for that bed. That old bed now gets put on my porch and it's also the bed I lay on when I get my acupuncture. |
May 2022
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