I had a really good Barkmas. I got stuff for my friends, ate good food, went visiting, and opened presents. I still have some under the tree and in my stocking. My woman went to a vet clinic and got me some CBD products to try. One was a CO2 and one was an herbal tincture. The tincture is stronger but smells really bad so I'm using the CO2. My man didn't think it would help but he has been noticing that I walk different on our long walks up in the hills (he gets time off around Barkmas) and they both have been noticing that I don't limp on my shoulder when I get up after one of these walks. So my woman is going to get a stronger CO2 from a different company for me to use. It means I will take less drops to get the same milligrams of CBD. I'm still way under what would be a full dose for my weight. She's going to see if she can turn the tincture into a salve but isn't sure if there are any essential oils out there that can hide the smell. We had freezing rain and snow on Barkmas Eve. It was supposed to melt on Barkmas but it stayed cold enough that we still had a white Barkmas. It melted off the roads and sidewalks but stayed on rooftops and the ground for a couple more days. Now it's too warm and really rainy. I helped my people put up the face board on the short side of the porch and cut some boards yesterday. Then it rained. Today, I helped them put up the 15 foot face board on the long side of the porch. I went in before they were done because it started raining. They got enough screws in it to hold it in place and no one got electrocuted! Now I'm supervising my man changing a switch in the bathroom. I finally got to stop needing eye drops twice a day for my Pannus! My people are giving them to me before bed instead of in the afternoon with my Lupus med so it's easier to use them twice a day if I need to again. My woman will be cleaning the hall bathroom to get ready for scary boom night. Friday the 17th, I hurt myself. My man thought maybe I had stepped on something but he checked and everything was OK. I walked a few steps, dragged the knuckles on my left rear paw, and started limping. He did the thing they do at the rehab vet where they put my paw down so it's upside down. I didn't try to flip it back the right way. He picked me up and started carrying me home. Some people who live down the street were taking their kid to school, saw us and gave us a ride home. My woman said my left paw was a lot colder than my right and didn't seem to have as much feeling in it. The rehab vet put me on a waiting list so we called my vet and had a 9:30 a.m. appointment to have me checked out. The rehab vet called while my woman was in the shower and said they had a 10:00 a.m. cancellation so we cancelled the appointment with my vet. The rehab vet thinks I stepped in a hole hidden under the leaves, shocked my spine, and my body twisted to the left. I had to take it easy and rest but I was OK to swim as long as I wasn't limping. I had a really good Turkey Day. I ate a lot but not too much because when I eat too much, it comes back up and my people say that's not good for my Megaesophagus. My woman made pumpkin pie from pumpkins she cooked and pureed. She also used a different recipe that made it not as sweet. I really liked it. I also got to eat part of the turkey liver that night! I got to eat the heart too but they saved that for a snack after I swam at the pool that Saturday. I usually swim for most of my 45-minute time slot but I took a lot of breaks to play with my toys out of the water, took a potty break, didn't swim out as far, and decided I was done after 40 minutes. We all had a lot of fun and my people were very proud of me for not trying to overdo it. We put up out holiday tree over the Thanksgiving break and took advantage of a dry day to put up our lights outside. We still don't have stairs because it's been too wet and rainy to do any outside work with power tools. I had my yearly check up with my doggy eye doctor last Monday. She wasn't happy with how my eye drops were doing with my Pannus and decided to switch. I'm now on an eye med I've been on before. I have to get drops in each eye twice a day until the end of the month and then go to once a day. She also thinks my cataracts can be stopped with vitamins so she upped my Vitamins C & E dosages. I get them twice a day so my woman made some pumpkin "pie" for me to eat them in at night. It's her homemade pumpkin puree sweetened with enough sugar to hide the bitterness from the Vitamin C powder. I could do them in pill form but that means shoving pills down my throat twice a day which would increase my stress and be bad for my Lupus! Hiding them in something won't work either because I'm Chance!! Because the Pannus wasn't well-enough controlled to satisfy her, I go back in 6 months. Friday, I had my regular rehab vet visit. I was having some muscle cramping in the muscles on my inner thigh that made me not want to use my left leg until the cramp was taken care of. It only happened if I had been active earlier then stepped up. She thinks I slipped on something with my front end and was misusing certain muscles. My woman was told to massage me every day, make sure certain muscles were not too tight, and watch for sign of muscle tension in my lower back area. I got a massage last night that lasted 1 hour and 45 minutes (a perk of living with a Small Animal Massage Practitioner) and I was acting like a puppy this morning on my walk. My woman said she could have done it a lot quicker but I like the gentler techniques that take longer. She said she also could have finished quicker if I wasn't dreaming so much. I guess it's hard to work on legs that are moving so much. She's not sure what I was chasing in my sleep but she said I barked at it. I'll have to take her word for it, I was sound asleep during the whole thing! I got a small spot massage of my hind end already today and will get another full massage tonight if I want it. Sometimes I have too much to do to get a massage! |
May 2022
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