Hi everyone. We're coming up on my leastest favorite time of the year: fireworks month. We have people who set off the big, loud, scary, illegal fireworks all year but it gets really bad in our area for almost a month around this time. I hope everyone stays safe! My last 2 rehab vet appointments my people drugged me so I wouldn't get upset and need a steroid shot like I needed in the beginning of May because of my breathing. My people gave me half of a pill like I get for fireworks. I didn't get upset at either visit and it didn't make me really sleepy and unsteady. The only bad thing is it makes me so relaxed that I pee while the vet is working on me. The vet said she'd rather have me relaxed and comfortable and pee each visit than have me get stressed. I also have a new thing that dispenses treats. It's called an "AeroDawg." My people say it's in case I have a breathing issue and need medicine that I breathe in. I'm not sure I believe them though. So far it just gives me chicken when I put my nose up to the thing and breathe in. My woman picked up something she called a "rescue inhaler" at the pharmacy after I got my new treat dispenser. My UTI cleared up with no more antibiotics needed so that made everyone happy. I've been swimming, playing in my pool, going for walks, spending time on my shady front porch and my back deck, and hanging out with my people. I'm very happy my man is home all the time now though I do decided he should be done working around 3:30! Sometimes 2!! It's really hot today, it was hot yesterday too, so my people don't leave the front and back door open for me to go in and out through my dog doors. They say my breathing gets bad when I get too hot. Enjoy some pictures of me playing in my pool yesterday to cool off! |
May 2022
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