My vet called last weekend and said the pee she stole from me grew a few bacteria so she gave me an extra week of antibiotics. I finished those yesterday!!! Now that I'm all better, I thought I would catch you up on my December. My December was pretty good until the week before Christmas when I got sick with pneumonia. I already told you about my pneumonia. I was almost out of the treats I really like and we couldn't find them anywhere except Amazon where they were 3 or 4 times the price they should be. My woman ended up finding them at a farm store in the extreme far western part of the metro area. She ended up getting me 6 bags. My woman found me a cold laser that I could use in between at-home sessions. I really like it. It makes me feel good and it helps me not have as many issues between sessions. My people talked to my vet that comes to my house and does my acupuncture and cold laser about doing chiropractic too. I had been getting really, really, really stressed at my rehab vet. It was a little bit the work done but mostly the amount of time I had to wait for the vet to get to me. There was one time, I had to wait 75 minutes for them to see me. So at my next visit, she came to my house and did acupuncture, cold laser and chiropractic. I wasn't stressed and my people noticed that the changes she made lasted longer than they did when done by my rehab vet. We decided that I didn't need to see my rehab vet anymore. We had a furnace inspection and our furnace was dying so we had to get a new one. We decided to get a new air conditioner too because it wasn't much more than just getting a furnace. It was really cold when we got it so we didn't have heat for 2 days. The dogs across the street loaned me their portable heaters so we stayed really warm without a furnace. The only thing I didn't like was I couldn't go sit on my front porch because it was too cold and the portable heaters wouldn't be able to keep up. Our new heater is something called a "high efficiency" and is really super quiet. I went swimming before I got sick and had a lot of fun. I also had to go pick up an eye med refill before Dogmas and they decorated my bag up for me. Even though I was getting over pneumonia, I had a really good Dogmas. I had Prime Rib Roast, Yorkshire Pudding, and Vanilla Bean Creme Brulee. I got lots of toys and treats. It started snowing Christmas night and snowed every night for a week. It got warm enough each day though and the snow would melt so the snow never got too deep and it didn't get too slick for me to have problems walking. My people set up an old infrared heater on my porch so I could sit outside in the cold air. |
May 2022
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