New Year's Eve, my Woman made an emergency run to Home Depot to pick up thick foam and a really thick, big cardboard box. She spent hours in the new guest room doing stuff and, when she was done, I had a fortress in the empty closet that was made out of a couple of my beds for sides and one as a floor with the box as a roof. There were pillows, pieces of thick foam, and soft stuff piled on top of the box roof. The foam went into the window to help cut down on noise and fireworks smell. I had my Woman's iCalm Dog speaker on the roof playing music and Jimmy Buffett was playing by the window. We also had 2 fans going. I ended up going in there around 6:00 p.m. I was nervous at 1st but ended up sleeping and dreaming for several hours while illegal fireworks were being shot off. I woke up at 12:05 because the illegal fireworks noise was really loud but ended up saying it was time to go pee and go to bed by 12:35. My people could smell fireworks in the rooms that didn't have air purifiers in them but nothing in the guest room so the foam must have worked. My fortress was big enough that I could snuggle with 1 person. It was much better than hiding in the bathroom. I even got a little massage in my fortress. My Woman plans on getting foam board insulation for the window (in addition to the foam) and to make an even better fortress, and probably the noise reducing tiles that help break up sound in recording studios. The biggest problem was peeing. I had to pee but, every time I went out, someone would decide to shoot off the illegal fireworks that scare me. My Woman is thinking about getting some sod and making me an indoor potty patch with real grass. 2 Saturdays ago, we had some really strong winds. We could see the high tension lines arcing and saw 2 transformers blow. My people heard a loud crack and my Man heard a thump. He looked out into the back yard but didn't see anything wrong. Around 10 p.m., we went to the neighbor's house to put her roll carts up before they blew over. Then we talked to the people across the street for about 30 minutes. About 10:45, my Woman decided to check the backyard with a flashlight and found out what had broken. The fence that was new when we moved in but really badly done had finally broken. We got it propped up with spare 2x4s to keep it from falling on the shed and the house. Sunday morning my Man went to Home Depot to get coated page wire, metal fence posts, and wire clips. My Woman, who had cancelled her Sunday massages, called a guy who does handyman type services and also makes dump runs. We knew it would take 3 trips out to the dump to haul off the part of the fence that was broken, about 50 feet. He was coming up with an estimate by the time my Man got back and quoted us a price that was cheaper than if we hauled it off. My people spent a couple of hours in the rain using a chainsaw to cut the fence into sections and hauling it to the front of the house. I wasn't allowed to be out there. The fence posts were only buried 4-6" deep, no concrete, with 4x4 posts run horizontally across the top, and 2x6 boards used as top boards. Even cut into sections, the fence pieces were really heavy. My people think it may have taken 4 trips because of the weight if we had done it ourselves. They took an hour break for lunch and then we went out to install the temporary fencing. That took less than an hour. I was pretty miffed at 1st because I wanted to explore Buddy's yard but then I remembered Buddy would be over all the time in MY yard so I was fine with the fence! Buddy's Man and Boy didn't get home until after dark so they didn't get to see how good a job we did until the next day. We still have about 1.5 of the old fence panels still standing alongside the shed and about 4 fence panels running along the house. With the bad parts of the fence gone, we don't have to brace it anymore. My Man's birfday was 2 weeks ago. I helped make his birfday cake, decorate it, make multi-colored white and milk chocolate paw prints and colored white chocolate and milk chocolate hearts for the cake, and decorate for his birfday. He told my Woman he wished I could make paw prints on his cake that would be filled with multi-colored frosting. She had one candy mold that had two paw shapes. My Woman's smashed thumb was hurting after the fence thing so she couldn't do much decorating on it this year. So we made chocolates instead. The Friday after my Man's birfday, I went to Sonic for dinner. I had a bacon double cheeseburger, no bun, no cheese, plain. They gave me extra bacon which my people did not let me eat all of. I also shared my Man's root beer float. Comments are closed.
May 2022
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