Hi everyone. My people say I'm back!!! My woman finished up her massage stuff and can do things like Manual Lymphatic Drainage and circulatory massage and massage to relieve inflammation. A quick catch-up. I changed vet clinics. They took my blood but didn't run the senior wellness panel bloodwork. And we have found out that the blood pressure they took on me wasn't able to be used for anything because it wasn't a true blood pressure. My new vet clinic sent people to my home to do my blood draw and do another exam. I liked that! They even have a vet that is trained in Traditional Chinese Medicine and they can get all my special supplements I take for my Lupus. I've still been seeing my rehab vet about every 3 weeks. She's done some acupuncture on me a few times. Starting last Friday, I'm going every week for TENS treatments because I hurt myself and was having muscle spasms in my rear legs. I usually have muscle spasms in my right thigh when I move it a certain way and those stayed away for 4 whole days after the TENS treatment! I have a new immune-mediated eye disease called Episcleritis. I could either get eye drops or an injection into the eye to treat it. My people chose the eye drops so I had to get eye drops in my right eye 4 times a day for 7 days, then 3 times a day for 7 days, and now it's 2 times a day until the redness goes all the way away. I've been getting to play more as my knee continues to stay stable. My people have been playing chase games with me and letting me play "police dog" where I attack my woman's sleeve. I have also been playing with some of my friends. I've even been able to tree some squirrels! Comments are closed.
May 2022
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