I promised I would tell you about what is happening. It's why I haven't made many updates lately. March 24, I went for a walk and was all normal. I got home and didn't want to eat my food or even my favorite treats. I slept a little and ate some cat food and half a can of dog food. My breathing was high, my heart was beating too fast, and my heart started to have a really funky beat. It was beating really hard and was beating with a normal rhythm then really fast. It would sometimes make a really hard beat that would make me jump. I went to my vet and they took chest x-rays, checked me over, and took some blood. The x-rays showed I had aspiration pneumonia again but my heart was normal and beating normally by the time they saw me. My blood work came back with me having too much calcium in my blood so I had to do another blood draw on March 28 where I couldn't eat anything for 12 hours before. They had to send my plasma and serum to Michigan State University to do some tests to see how my parathyroid gland was working. We found out that the lab couldn't get something they needed to run the tests so the tests would take longer than expected. 4 days after my blood was sent in, we found out that the vet tech who did my blood draw didn't read what she needed to do for the blood tests so she didn't send in the right samples. So I was going to have to fast and get blood drawn again. My people were really mad that the vet tech didn't bother to read what needed to be done for the tests and she didn't even act sorry about her mistake. My vet rescheduled my April 4 pneumonia recheck for 8 am so I could get my exam and my blood draw all at the same time. I wasn't wanting to take one of my antibiotics and my lungs sounded good enough that she was fine with me finishing the 2 weeks of that one and staying on the other antibiotic. I was losing weight because I wasn't wanting to eat much and my vet thought I'd eat better without the one antibiotic. We also found out that the vet tech who screwed up my 1st blood tests also charged us twice. My test results from MSU came back on April 14. The test results showed my blood calcium was still too high and it wasn't a lab error but it also showed that it wasn't high due to something called "Primary Hyperthyroidism." The other test was called Parathyroid Hormone Related Protein and normal results for that are less than 0.5 and my results were 7. High levels of this have a few causes like come chronic infections, way too much Vitamin D, and certain cancers. My vet doesn't think chronic infections are a cause or too much Vitamin D. I go in for an abdominal ultrasound to see what is going inside me next week. I had another pneumonia recheck last week and had my lungs x-rayed again. They were clear so I just finish out my one antibiotic and I'm done. Good news was I have gained some weight. My appetite almost doubled once I got off the one antibotic. Comments are closed.
May 2022
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