I had a good Dogmas and still have a present under the tree to open. I buried my hedgehog chew under the present so I can't open it yet! I got a big Jolly Ball with a handle that is already half dead, a squeaky tennis ball, a bone-shaped treat, a bungee lion that squeaks and rattles, a Chuck-It doughnut, a squeaky flea and edible hedgehog from the people who give me massages, a ball on a rope from Maury and a tug toy from Jonny and Sammy! I had elk for Christmas dinner and it was nummy. I also had some of my people's rib roast! My man has been home since the Friday before Christmas so I've been getting extra long walks and playtime! I'll need a vacation by the time he goes back to work!!!!!! New Year's Eve we drove into the Coast mountains so I could go play in the snow. It was a lot of fun. On the way home we stopped at PetCo. That night the people near us set off really big, scary fireworks that made me shake, pant and drool. I was OK with the fireworks until the big ones my people say are illegal here started. It was a long night for the Puppy Butt :-( My woman hasn't gotten the snow pictures off the camera yet so I can't show them to you. Comments are closed.
May 2022
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