We have discovered Chance's Lupus flares worse from stress than from sun exposure.
We went to Montana and I was concerned that the high elevation sun exposure would cause her nose to scab and bleed since she would be in the sun every day for hours. It did worsen but not nearly as bad as I thought it would. It seemed like the dry air was worse for it than the sun. Home was another story though. Even though July 4 was well past, we have idiots that set off fireworks and explosive devices all the time. Something you really should be doing during a drought with hot temperatures, red flag warnings, and wildfires everywhere. The stress of this caused her nose to scab and bleed. Then we noticed that when we played with her in her wading pool every evening, her nose got better. So the fun and stress release of doing something she loves seems to counter the stress of assholes setting off the occasional incendiary device when it's so hot and dry that a hot muffler pipe can start a brush fire that burns buildings and closes highways. Her diet has changed since my last post but that was adding in another red meat protein: emu. She loves the stuff. Hopefully our raw feeding co-op can get some more from these people. It was a surprise offering and I managed to score 1 of only 5 cases of boneless scrap meat they had. Comments are closed.
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September 2021
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