My husband had major surgery mid-month and developed a Clostridium difficile infection in the hospital. He seems to be responding well to the antibiotics, ironic that antibiotics both cause and cure this infection.
Chance is unfortunately vulnerable to this infection though since she has a compromised immune system from the DLE, has been on antibiotics since September, and is considered a senior. We are taking precautions to prevent transmission. Since it is a fecal to mouth infection, my husband uses a separate bathroom that always has the door closed. Lots of hand washing for 30 seconds (hand sanitizer does nothing for this). I spend between 1.5 and 2 hours a night sanitizing the bathroom he uses with bleach at a 1:10 concentration. The disinfecting concentration on the back of the bleach bottle is at a 1:33 concentration. We have started giving Chance probiotics twice a day instead of once a day since the best defense against this is a healthy gut flora population. Chance's nose continues to improve. Seeing the picture from September 22 and how it looks after less than 4 months of treatment is astonishing.
Her rehab vet was very happy with it when she saw it last month! I know the fact that it is winter has helped. There is less daylight, the sun rays are not strong, and it's cloudy here more than it's sunny. I changed the page header with an updated picture! Chance's nose on the left is from September 22, 2014 when we started treatment. Chance's nose in the middle and on the right are from January 7, 2015. Oh, in case you are wondering, we did not change her diet. She is still eating 90% red meat proteins and organs. |
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September 2021
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