The calf ribs were much smaller than we thought they would be so we had plenty of room. We still ended up with over 19.25 lbs. of ribs though. And with as bony as they are that 19.25 lbs. will last a while. That was my 1st experience with unloading the truck, sorting the boxes and labeling orders. We had a lot of people there so 70 cases took less than 30 minutes. I would definitely order calf ribs again. LAMB CO-OP ORDER The week before last there was an unexpected co-op lamb database. The lamb supplier had some extra lamb to offer us. It was only open for 2 days! The lamb is from a farm only 70 miles from our house. All the lamb is grass fed and finished from a certified humane farm that farms to organic standards. It is slaughtered at an Oregon Tilth certified slaughter house and all meat is intended for human consumption. What we got was all packed in April as well so nice and fresh. Delivery was supposed to be last Thursday but the woman who picked the lamb up didn't have room in her freezers for the Oregon people's lamb so we ended up getting our lamb last Monday! I ordered 10 lbs. of "Denver" lamb ribs and 15 lbs. of boneless lamb shoulder and got 9.31 lbs. of ribs and almost 17 lbs. of shoulder. I knew how much I owed so I was confused when my total from the co-op was higher than it should be. Long story short, there was a missing rack of ribs for my order, a search was done and it was found in a different person's order. So we have 1.67 lbs. of ribs coming to us sometime this week. Chance will be very happy because she is loving this lamb! The lamb is so nice that we are going to order some lamb for ourselves when the next database opens. Comments are closed.
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