Traveling to our destination in Montana. We stayed at all the same places on the way out but we couldn't stay at the cabin we always stayed at in Montana because it was for sale.
We stayed in a house on a Forest Service road in the mountains by a lake. I got to go swimming every morning in the lake at the bottom of the road and go bounce around on forest roads in the Jeep. The mountain lakes where I normally went swimming were snowed in. And I couldn't handle the high altitude this year, it made my breathing wheeze and whistle, and I was diagnosed with Collapsing Trachea caused by my mega-esophagus when I got home. I had fun swimming and exploring new roads though. I didn't like the thunderstorms though. My people found me the perfect swimming spot at the lake so we went all the way into the "big" town to by a little tent to put up so no one could steal my spot. A lot of people did that though they all had trailers. There were bunnies at the house and I had to let my people know really early one morning that there were elk in the yard.