My people got the Jeep packed the day before we left. I was pretty miffed when they took the coolers back out!
On The Way To Montana
We left home and made overnight stops in the Spokane, WA and Missoula, MT areas before getting to where we stayed for almost 2 weeks.
The Rental House & Around Town
We stayed in a vacation rental in town this year. My man went to school with a girl that lived in the house. None of us really liked it. My people said it would have been better if the owner had used new instead of new appliances and toilet (which needing fixing after pieces of it broke off and it started leaking), had bought at least 1 semi-comfy mattress and had done a better job with the detail work when she renovated. I didn't like it because there was no place to lay in the shade and get away from the mosquitoes and huge bitey flies. We brought a thing to put up to keep bugs out but it was too hot to set it up in the sun and the shady place between the trees had a fire pit in the middle.
Hiking & Other Mountain Adventure
We drove on some mountain roads and did some hiking.
At The Lakes
I spent part of most days swimming in the upper lake!
Above The Lakes
We went for a hike above the lakes. We had so much fun that we were going to go back up and see just how close to the top of the mountain we could get. But then I hurt my paw.
Hurt Paw
I cut my paw on a piece of broken glass at the lake. I saw a vet to make sure it would heal OK.
Headed Home
I was very ready to leave the rental house. First time I've ever wanted to leave where we stayed in Montana. We made the same overnight stops on the way home that we did on the way out.
I missed sitting out in a yard with my toys! And I missed my friends.