My people dress me up so I can go trick-or-treating at pet stores and because the kids who come to our door because they think we should give them free food think I'm cute all dressed up. The kid's parents stop by just to see my latest costume!
I was a hula dancer this year.
I carved my pumpkin, greeted the weird kids who came up for free stuff, and kept an eye out for Pennywise!
We don't have the stairs built yet so we put candy out where the stairs would be and I got to go out on the porch and say hi.
I got a small basketball at the neighbors' trick-or-treating. The neighbors weren't home but my woman said the ball was abandoned in the yard by kids who don't live there so I had "salvage rights."
I didn't wear a costume but I did carve a big orange ball and give candy to weird kids.
I was supposed to be a shark that can swim on the land but my woman got sick and couldn't put the finishing touches on my costume. So I decided to reuse one of my old costumes.
This year I was a Parrot Head. That means I was a Jimmy Buffett fan!!! Which is true, I really like Jimmy music! I wore a Hawaiian shirt, a flower lei and my hula skirt!
I didn't go to any parties this year because I wanted to hang with my friend Faith. I am going to show off my costume to my old vet so I'll get to trick or treat there! I did go to my bestest friend Jonny's house.
Everyone loved my costume, there are grown ups that come to see what I'm dressed up as, and nobody was afraid of me.
For my costume my woman took one of my man's old work shirts and made it into a police dog uniform for me. I had a hat that I hated and a belt with a walkie-talkie and handcuffs. I liked my shirt and belt. My woman said if we were in Illinois, I could have gone to work with her cousins except my uniform was the wrong color!
The Saturday before Howloween, I went to a party at a local pet store. They had a scavenger hunt and I got a whole bag full of stuff plus lots of treats at the party.
Howloween, my man came home early and we went to my old vet clinic. I was hoping my old vet was there because I haven't seen her in forever. She WAS there!!!! I was so excited to see her that I almost pulled the leash out of my woman's hand and then I stood up on my hind legs and was jumping straight up into the air! I mauled my old vet and got so much love from her. She also gave me a bazillion treats. I wish she worked at my new vet clinic. I'd be there all the time just to give her kisses! Then we stopped by my friends Jiggs, Kohl, Jackie, Natalie, Natie, Nicco and Nyssa's dog training place to see their people. Their woman was there so I got a couple of treats and a coupon for a dog pool. My man and I stopped by again later that night to see my friend's man. Then I got to go see my bestest friend Jonny.
I was a big hit when the little kids wearing costumes showed up. Most of the grown ups wanted me to come out so they could check out this year's costume.
My woman decided to make me a costume because she wanted me to be a cow dog. I'm not an easy dog to sew for because I refuse to cooperate for fittings!!!
I went to the one pet store that always has the party and I had a really good time!
My costume made all the kids and the adults laugh when they saw it this year. My friend Faith even came with her kids when they stopped by for candy. Faith was a flower!
My woman found a kid's hula dancer outfit on sale at a party store so my costume was a hula dancer. I had a flower bikini top, flower wrist bands, a hula skirt and a lei collar.
I went to 2 Howloween parties! The 1st was at the place where I went the year before. I ran into a Border Collie friend there that was a cow girl. There was a Golden Retriever dressed like Austin Powers and the dog had a pair of Austin Powers' teeth, there was a Dachshund dressed like a lobster and a little dog dressed like a cowboy and it rode a stuffed horse and a bunch of other dogs. My picture was taken with my Border Collie friend, it looks like we were going to fight but we weren't, and the lobster and those went on the store's website. The next party was in the town about 20 minutes south of our house. I made a friend with a Boxer dressed like an angel.
I wore my costume to greet kids again and everyone said I was very cute!
I got dressed up in a costume so I could go to a Howloween party at a local pet store. The party was a lot of fun and I got a free toy for winning an obedience contest.
My woman found a kid's tutu and my man found a Harley Davidson "Bad To The Bone" bandana so I was a Bad To The Bone Ballerina.
I was so cute, my people decided I could wear my costume to greet the little kids who came to our door to get candy. I was a big hit!